Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cocoa Playground

Well, as I was cleaning this morning I was trying to figure out what I wanted to blog about. Sons birth? Our move? Dads passing? Lots of thoughts ran thru my head as I cleaned the kitchen, dining room, living room, the girls' room, and I was just giving a sigh of relief after finishing the play room when Kenna ran in and said "oh no mom look what hunter got into"...those are never words I like to hear! This is what I found. 
Incase you wondered that is cocoa powder! Did I mention I JUST spent 3 hours cleaning prior to this and I was just getting ready to take a "break"?!? Oh AND yesterday the hubs and I did some deep cleaning in the kitchen which included MOPPING! I donno about anyone else's house but in our house that means my floors were good for another few days (ok ok a week probably don't judge!)  before I'd break down and mop again. So I did what any good house keeper would do! I got out the good ol' vacuum and sucked it all up! Floor saved!
Got supper prepared, devoured, and cleaned up and once again I was ready to be done, this time for the day! Sister invited us out to the lake for some s'mores so I was getting stuff rounded up when I realized it was awful quiet! Something else that is usually not good to hear when 3 kids are somewhere in the house! Low and behold what does kenna coming running with but that dang cocoa powder container!
Sorry for the blurry pics but as you can tell he was pretty proud of his work! He kept laughing and clapping! The hubs had to pipe in with "why wasn't it put up after the first time he got into it" thanks hubs thanks! He was soon bathed (after the brief photo shoot) the cocoa was swept up and I gave into spot mopping...I had no choice, the floor was brown and the vacuum didn't work this time! **sigh** He's only 10 months!!??!? Did I mention I JUST mopped!?!? Thanks son for the "easy" blog post! Happy weekend everyone! Love!
P.s. this is from my phone so I'm hoping it turns out ok on the "real" version! :)


tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

oh Hunter!! ohhh my goodness. I am laughing so hard (sorry friend, not laughing about you having to mop again ... just laughing at your adorable boy). haha. who knew cocoa powder could be so fun. ;)

Mrs. E said...

Oh, my gosh he is cute! Cocoa powder and all! Aren't kids grand??