It's obviously been a while since I've "blogged"! Not really too much to write though. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We went over to Josh's sisters house. Had a BIG lunch/dinner......I helped cook and by the time it was ready to eat I didn't even really feel like was lots of work! LOL! The girls are doing great. Getting BIG of course. Makenna has started to "sing"....anytime music comes on she starts "dancing" and she'll sing until the song is over. She really loves singing to this little stuffed animal we have that plays Jes
us Loves You. It's so funny. They are both EVERYWHERE!
They're not actually walking yet but I'm afraid it won't be long. We are really excited to be going home for Christmas. We plan on leaving around the 18th or 19th and then staying till probably the 2nd...the dates aren't set in stone yet but thats what we are hoping for. Well, I suppose I best get to bed. I hope all is well and hope to see everyone at Christmas. Take care and Happy Holidays! LOVE!!