Okay okay, so I know its been a while since I've written...but I really don't have much time to get on here. I started working at the salon...Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9-4, Wednesday and Friday 12-7:30...Then once again Saturdays are Jonathan's games and Sunday is church...not a whole lot of time for anything else! Work is going....its really slow and not at all what I'm used to. I left a pretty big clientele in Ks and now I am starting all over. Hopefully soon it will start picking up. Josh is still working with his Dad. Nothing too exciting there. Florida is actually starting to cool down a little bit! We are having a "cold front" LOL...It's down in the 60's! It's really nice out, and I will admit I did get chilly a few nights! Still not KS
cold though! The girls are getting big..I can't believe how time flies! They are doing so much! Poor girls right now have thrush..but you wouldn't know it until you saw their mouths. We took them to the Dr the other day to get medicine for their thrush and Makenna weighed 19lbs and Joslen was 18lb 5 oz....They are healthy girls! I have found it really is a small world...Our nurse was actually from Ks. She was from a town called Lincoln, west of Salina, so not far from home. It was weird to hear someone else talk about Abilene..... They are such wonderful little girls! Joslen of course is still my lil high maintenance diva but still really good. They both are "talking" so much and getting into everything!!! Makenna is still pretty laid back but she is the ornery one...Shes so curious and wants to get into whatever she can find!
I just smile all day when I am around them. They are so happy and so full of life! I just can't imagine how people can be mean to a child. They are so innocent! Which reminds me, I'm sure all of you have heard about the Kaylee Anthony case they actually live about 30 mins away from us.....so so so sad....Anyways, back to the girls....they love anything with music...as soon as music comes on they start dancing...especially Joslen....she starts jumping it's funny....and she loves clapping her hands...we've been doing "patty cake" and so now she loves clapping her hands...The girls love watching us play Crash Bandicoot....it is my new addiction....its a video game on Playstation 2....I had to share this photo...it was too cute!
They watch for a little bit...dance...and then get down and play with their toys (yes Christa, they are probably too close to the tv but they will be fine!! lol)
I had my first "up close and personal" experience with an alligator the other day...it was exciting
but I was a little worried about how fast he could move......He/she let us get pretty close....probably too close but I couldn't help my self....I named it Charlie :) The alligator was out sunning on the bank of a pond in Harmony, the housing development Josh works in.....I saw it and started yelling at Josh telling him to turn around.....he laughed at me and said it was probably a pipe but it was actually a pretty good size gator.
We thought maybe it was a mom and had a nest somewhere because she did not move. Josh got within a couple feet of it and still nothing...I on the other hand kept a little distance. I was close enough and I just knew I would fall and that would be the end of me! I think in this photo I was either telling Josh that I couldn't look away cause I was afraid it would eat me or I was asking him again how fast they could run...I'm not for sure which one! It was pretty neat though! They are such ugly things! It's so weird to know that they run (or I guess swim) wild down here......I definitely do not go anywhere near the water! Well, there's not a whole lot else going on...I'm adding a few more pics of the games.....Saturdays are usually a long day....
We have to be at the game at least an hour early, normally we get there with the team an hour and a half early.....and the trip to where we play is anywhere from 30-45 mins...we always are away we don't have any home games.....Then we have to wait depending on whether or not the games are "on time".....this past Saturday the games were running about an hour behind so our game that was supposed to start at 4 didn't start till 5 and we didn't get home till about 8 and we had left at 1 to meet everyone making it a LONG day! His team is doing really well though. They were undefeated up until yesterday. They beat this team earlier in the season but lost by 1 touchdown this time. The other team was pretty smart though (or dirty)
and took out one of the star players. They went for his knees and hurt his ankle! Welcome to sports! The girls in the pic were getting pretty tired! It was way past nap time and the other is of Jonathan...he's number 65...I hope all is well with everyone! Take care! LOVE!!