Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I have been pretty MIA on here for the last few months. No surprise, but a friend of mine recently started her blog and so it's given me the "itch" again. You can say it, I'm a "jump on the bandwagon" type of person. I know it. I've accepted it. I'm okay with it. Anyhow I was going thru my old posts and found this "draft". I'm sure my intentions were to add more but I never got around to it. I kinda like where it ended though. At any rate here it is!

5. Five. 5 coconut cream pies. I just made from scratch for Thanksgiving tomorrow. As I was giving myself a pat on the back for being so prepared as the last pie came out of the oven my heart became overwhelmingly heavy. All I could think about was being prepared. All sorts of thoughts flooded my headed. But the one that  I could not quiet was "Am I prepared for the holiday season WITHOUT my Dad". My joy of finally being done baking quickly turned into sadness and tears. We prepare for so many things. We prepare for a new baby for 9 months. We prepare for tornadoes, fires, natural disasters. We physically prepare as much as possible. But yet are we  truly prepared? You can not be prepared for the indescribable amount of love you feel the instant you meet your child for the first time. You can't be prepared when you come home and your house is gone from a fire. Or when a tornado wipes out a town. Or when you leave everything behind evacuating from a hurricane. Or when you listen to your Dad take his last breath. There is so much we can not be prepared for. No matter how much you think you can and do, when the time comes for these things, good or bad, you just can not be prepared. Although I had went over how things would go over and over again in my head when my Dad's cancer finally won, when the time came I was not prepared. We are never sure what tomorrow brings. Although we can spend all day long preparing for tomorrow when the time actually comes are we really prepared?
What about spiritually  Are we prepared? Jesus tells us over and over to be prepared for His return. Yet when satan comes to call are we prepared? Are we ready to put up the fight?

1 comment:

Mrs. E said...

Wow! Great post--and you are so right. We think we're prepared, but we aren't. Life throws us curves. You've had more than your fair share, but look how wise you have become. You might not feel strong, but you are. All of the things you have been through have shaped you into the wonderful woman you are.