well....I guess my blogging wasn't habit forming lol.....dang...thought I was on a roll....life just gets in the way of my blogging sometimes...but I will pat myself on the back for being "better" about blogging.....better than I was before....well, what to update you on....still here...still surviving.....still waiting for Josh to get home! :) The whole household is on the mends...we all were infected with some kind of "bug" and finally after about 3 weeks I think we are on the end of it....my poor girls I felt so bad for them! They started out with the throwing up etc and it has now turned into a cold...Thank Goodness I only got the cold part of it! But I am happy to say we are almost over it! Josh is doing good. Ready to come home more than ever...I think I say that every time lol......
He will probably shoot me for posting these pics but I can't help myself...
it was one of the guy's birthdays and Josh decided
to give him a little birthday "dance"....he now is known as "Big Janice" LOL!!!!! He can't say too much they are posted on facebook so everyone there can see them! I said I think its way past time to send the boys home! Ahh...that's my husband...what can I say? He always tries to make people smile! He sure is something else....but I love him....don't know what I would do without him! Supposedly there is a video but they haven't gotten the upload to work yet so I am anxiously awaiting that!

We took the girls to a church fall festival...it was fun but really hot! The games were
all a little big for them but they had free food and drinks and the girls loved playing in the pumpkin patch! We also went on a little hay rack ride which cracked me up! It was on like a little
four wheeler trailer with hay bales and they drove you around this grass field....
definitely wasn't a KS hay rack ride but what did I expect in Florida? We also took a ride on an old firetruck around the block...the girls enjoyed having the wind in their hair since it was soooo hot! The little girl is Olivia....she is the niece of a lady I work with. She's such a doll!!! They had such a fun time running around the pumpkins and picking them up! I tried getting a picture of all three of us but as you can see it didn't work out so well....they don't like sitting down long enough to do much of anything!
Halloween just wasn't quite the same without Joshua here but I HAD to carve my pumpkin....
its a
tradition..and I really love doing them so I made my sis in law Danelle sit down with me and carve one.....Kenna absolutely loved getting her hands dirty and pulling out the greasy grimey gooey gopher guts! (steves pumpkin carving song) Joslen on the other hand wanted NOTHING to do with it! Miss priss....she can't get her hands dirty lol..... Danelle had never done pumpkins like this and of course I told her it was "no big deal....easy!!!".....her hands didn't like me too much after we were done but I thought they turned out really cute!
how depressing is this though.....the next day they were destroyed by the sun.....its not very forgiving to a carved pumpkin and the next day they were gone! all that hard work!
didn't take the girls trick or treating....they're not old enough to care about it...actually they hate strangers so it probably would have been traumatic for them and they were sick....
so we just kept them home! I bought them little Halloween shirts and they just ran around in that all day...I did go out with my sister in law and another friend Jenna, to "cowboys"! We had a REALLY good time....probably a little too much fun but it was much needed! I dressed up as a cowgirl...I know lame...
but I had everything for it! It was easy and stress free!! well....I think that's about it for now........nothing else to exciting...Josh will be home in about 3 months! Wuhoo!!!!! Only about 7 more paychecks! I hope all is well with everyone! LOVE!