Thursday, July 26, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
not too long ago. We met SH (I'm going to call the husband) when he and a friend who is a pastor of a church in JC came out to the house to offer support and whatever they could during dads sickness. They had met my uncle (who lives is Topeka) thru the church. I think it was something like sister churches or something. Anyhow, these 2 complete strangers came out to say they wanted us to know they would be praying for us and if they could help to let them know. Isn't God AMAZING? They were both great guys. If I remember correctly (my post tomorrow may strictly be correcting my mistakes) they both had left their home in Arkansas (one did then the other followed) because they felt called by God to JC Kansas! Isn't God AMAZING? SH (the husband) really seemed to fit in at our home. I think I remember sister saying he made the comment he felt like he was "back home" in our house. He shares
the same love of fishing and hunting as the hubby. He was just in awe of the gator hunting book I showed him of our Florida adventures. (I'll have to remember to post about gator hunting sometime!) The unfortunate part was hubby wasn't home. I just knew him and SH would hit it off. They had that same down home southern good ol' boy way about them. They fact that he was a CHRISTIAN man was even more of an added bonus. We have yet to SH and hubby together. We attended their church one evening and they of course had gone back home to visit. I have wanted to meet SW (the wife) for a long time so my sisters invitation for a play date was met with pure enthusiasm. I can only hope this is just the beginning to many more times of wonderful fellowship. I am excited to have someone else to share faith with! I am eager to learn more about her and her journey. I don't think the poor girl knows
what she has in store for her tomorrow! :) As I said before not that long ago this would not have been my normal response to having a play date with someone "churchy". Don't get me wrong, I grew up going to church but that was about the extent of my relationship with God. Before I would have been uncomfortable and annoyed, trying to pretend that I was a "follower" and a "good Christian" and knew about the Bible. And later would come the guilt, shame, and embarrassment that I was trying to be someone that I wasn't but knew that I should be. I knew I shouldn't have to "pretend", or act like I knew the Bible, but in all reality I had to. I can't say there was a time I ever DIDN'T believe there was a God, but I can say I never really KNEW God until recently. I remember growing up laughing at my cousin that was visiting for having his Bible and reading it every night. I forget now at this
point how many times he had read it front to back. Hindsight is 20/20 they say. If only I had known then that now I would be amazed at his faith. It wasn't until Dad got sick did I actively start seeking the Lord. It wasn't until then that I finally "felt" Him. It wasn't until then that when satan came knocking did I run to God instead of FROM God. Sorry satan, you are fighting a losing battle. No longer do I need your false truths to make me feel better. I found The Truth. It is a definite journey and I stumble and fall flat on my face OFTEN. But for once I can get up, dust my knees off, and know I am perfect in HIS sight. Isn't God AMAZING? A song came on the radio the other day and it just hit home. The chorus says:
Praise God we don't have to hide scars They just strengthen our wounds, and they soften our hearts.
They remind us of where we have been, but not who we are So praise God, praise God we don't have to hide scars
Isn't that beautiful!? Praise God we don't have to hide scars! Or past embarrassment or shame for "pretending" to be
like "churchy" people. I hope you have a wonderful Monday. Mine can't get any better then meeting another "churchy" person.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Life is short
Sister sent me an early morning text asking if I needed anything from Mtown. It's a little bit of a drive and us

Time for me to close my eyes. It seems tonight I'm gonna have lots of extra prayers to say. Although some are for healing and comfort, many are praising the many blessing God has so graciously blessed me each and every minute of the day! LOVE!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Really I should just stop there and go to bed but I just couldn't keep myself away from you!
New cut with new color! (maybe I just like taking pictures of myself) It's "blonde"...well my version of blonde...and can you see the little strip of blue/green/tealish? I put blue on it but that's the color I got! Maybe because it started out lime green? Made a little "oops" when I was doing my color and my purple strip got colored "blonde" instead of dark. Oops! Apparently 7n with 40vol over purple hair makes lime green! Who knew?! But I'm actually happy it happened. I thought I was ready to get rid of my "fun" colors but I'm super happy I have my blue/green/tealish strip! :)
Tacos, fidel, and homemade salsa were on the menu for tonight. Brother in law and mother in law came out and joined us for a quick visit! Love having Josh's family close. I know it makes Kansas a lot easier on him.
Off to bed I go! Josh has us on an "early" schedule. He gets up at 4:30am on days he works so its just easier on him if we all have an early bedtime! I must say I like it but I'm 2 hours past my bedtime! Love!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Saturday was spent with family. As always! My niece from emporia came up for the day. The girls asked me 15 million times "is she here yet" until she arrived. They love having "playmates". I didn't get any pictures, probably because I was too busying in the kitchen with my sister. Her and the boys (no Mikezilla) came over to see Izz (and us) so as normal we let the kids lose and enjoyed some sister time. Love my sister time! Everyone left before supper. They sure did miss out! That morning I took those left over meatballs from the last blog (I'm on my phone so I can't do all the fun links and strike thru text) added some meat thru it in the crockpot and made sloppy joes! Yuummm!
Sunday involved church. Then all of us (me, the kids, mom, sister and her fam) all went to pizza hut. Pretty sure I gained 5 pounds! Then off we went to HELL (aka Walmart). Got home, groceries unloaded then off to the salon I (BY MYSELF) went. I've been wanting/needing a change for a LONG time now! And hubby (not that I do my hair according to him) has been asking me when I was gonna get rid of all this hair. Yes, he's a weirdo and HATES my long hair.
This was my inspiration.
This was after the first cut.
Then we cut some more. I would have sworn I lost 10 pounds. (I didn't, I went home and checked)
And when I came to work today I cut a little more. I think I have a problem with cutting my own hair .
I know you are just dying to see it so here's the big reveal!
I LOVE that it took me 5 minutes to do my hair this morning. Love it! Oh and hubby really loves it! Now he wants pink blue and purple in it. I have purple "peek-a-boos" right now but apparently thats not enough. Who did I marry?!? :)
I've come to the conclusion hubby does not want me to be "skinny". It is completely his fault I do not lose weight! :) Has NOTHING to do with the 2nd helping I always end up with! Hubby made fried pork chops for supper sunday night. Hubby's a good cook. Have I mentioned that?! I'm really starting to like this whole blogging about what HE cooks!
Monday was expensive. Remember those tires I mentioned needing. Yep, we gave in and got them. Ugh! Donations will be accepted at any time! ;) Also got the oil changed and had planned on getting Hubbys tags but we have to wait on the title from Florida. So I guess it wasn't as expensive as planned. Just means some other day will be expensive. *sigh* We had to do some waiting for the oil to be done so we went and ate lunch and did some driving around. I had heard lots of giggling coming from the back but didn't investigate much. Poor Hunter. The girls "painted" him with the dye from there little straw "ornament" from the Mexican restaurant we ate at for lunch. Clever little things they are.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Friday the 13th
J decided she should feed little brother lunch. I was getting stuff prepared to go in the crock pot for supper so it was nice "help". Apparently H was tired and Joslen must of thought he was in need of crackers.
Little stink was limp as a noodle until I tried putting him in his bed. Then he was wide awake screaming! Someone has him a little spoiled! Ehhumm JOSHUA! J likes to use the excuse that H will ONLY take a nap ON him so J has "good" reason to sit and rock (or join the nap) for 3 hours while little one sleeps. Mama doesn't have 3 hours to sit and do "nothing". Although maybe I should start!
This was what I was preparing. (Tiff if you're at work hungry reading again stop now!!)
It looked much better IN the crockpot then this picture. And tasted much better then the pic looks. BBQ meatballs from scratch. :) AND
I LOVE corn on the cob! (so do the girls, last time they had 3 pieces. But tonight they asked if they could not eat corn and have more meatballs! They were THAT good. Toot toot! (that was me tooting my own horn) ) It was always the best from my grandpa's garden when he was alive. This is the part I don't really like about corn on the cob.
Today must of been my
lucky Friday the 13th! NO WORMS! I HATE...H.A.T.E....worms!! Especially when you're peeling open corn and surprise! Say hello to my little friend! Blagh! Worms run a pretty close second to snakes and spiders in my world! ok I take that back maybe not that bad but close!
We ran down to cousin C's house who lives just down the road after supper. The trailblazer needs new tires and he had some he thought would work. Guess my luck ran out because they DON'T work! :( Anyone have $800 just laying around?! :) Tires are EEeeexxxpensive! Girls played with K who is just 3 months older then them. They may be trouble in a few years!!! Poor Hunter was forced to play dress up. With me. Sorry son! I really am a good mom. I just like a good laugh. Please forgive me now if you should ever see this in the future.
And don't tell hubby I posted it for EVERYONE to see.
He'd make a pretty girl?!? Love!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Hey Mr. Sandman
Oh and no, these are not winter pics. These are recent. Kenna just decided she needed to wear her footy jammies a couple nights ago. Random child.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Delightful Days
The last couple of days have been pretty delightful. Sunday started off with church. Well, I went to church. I was a little irritated that hubby wanted to stay in bed. He offered to keep the kids so I

I think this was before catfish lunch but this was a little sequence of pictures I took of the kids playing. They sure do love each other. I love watching them. It was just too cute (to me anyhow) to pass up posting! Sister was having lunch with the "babies". One baby decided he didn't need "friends"!

Yesterday was lots of fun. Sister had asked me to watch "the Zilla" while her and the boys went to the water park. If you've been around little miss you know why I call her the Zilla. Short for Godzilla. She can destroy a room in 2 seconds flat. Well she used to anyways, she's getting big and not as Zilla-ish. The girls love having Mikezilla over. You can usually count on some drama (3 little girls)! Of course we had to paint nails and the rest of the day was spent singing and playing! They have some favorite songs they learned in Kids Kingdom and I get them on youtube thru the Wii and they just think I'm the coolest smartest mom ever! :) Sorry sis for posting a video of your child on the internet but I couldn't pass it up. And also notice my little T-E-N month old WALKING around. Yep, he's getting around pretty good! *sigh* I know they grow up fast but he seems to be taking that to an extreme!!