Warning! This post might be kinda lengthy with lots of pictures. Sorry! I warned ya. So continue reading under you own risk. I should be mopping, as everyone knows how much I enjoy that...but I started reading
THIS and
THIS and then I had blog envy. So I decided a nice little "break" before I mopped and finished laundry wouldn't hurt.
The last couple of days have been pretty delightful. Sunday started off with church. Well, I went to church. I was a little irritated that hubby wanted to stay in bed. He offered to keep the kids so I
stormed off went to church on my own. Although I was irritated at first, I will admit it was nice. Don't get me wrong I love having my children in church. I want a firm foundation based on a church family for them. But this one time was nice. I sat and enjoyed. I soaked in every word of the Lord. And did it without a crying baby, without an angry 4 year old that screams she has to go potty until the moment I get up to take her (she refused to go on her own) and then she screams that she doesn't have to go while I "quietly" remove us from the sanctuary. Without trying to make sure snacks aren't spilt everywhere, or drinks, or that 4 year olds are whispering quietly. It was nice.

I'm not sure if hubby was trying to"un-irritate" me but not long after I got home I started to smell cooking! Hubby is a GOOD cook. I wish I could be a wife that says "I don't cook" just so I could eat his food all the time. Not that I don't enjoy cooking, I just enjoy his food a lot more! He's one of those people that can just "throw" things together and you have this amazing dish. Yumm! Anyhow he cooked the catfish that him and brother in law caught the night before. Well, actually what BIL caught. Hubby didn't have very good luck. But thank you BIL it was GOOD!

We cleaned up lunch and I was reading a magazine in the living room while the kids were playing when I started to hear clanking from the the kitchen again! Hubby was in the mood to cook I guess?! He made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. Remember that "sugar junkie" I mentioned. Yeah, cookies are definitely not a good thing to have around me! umm YUMM again!

I decided maybe it was time for me to get a little motivated. So I took the kids into the girls room to put laundry away and help them pick up. Since they sleep upstairs on our floor (that's another story) their bed is usually the catch all for clothes. I finished clothes and as they picked up I snuggled up on the bed and fell into one of my new FREE books on my kindle app on my phone. Big mistake. I couldn't stop! A while later hubby came in and asked me something about tomato puree. HUH?! I was lost in Wildrose, South Dakota with Finn and Rosemary. I put my
book phone down for a minute to go into the kitchen to once again find hubby cooking! He was making spaghetti sauce from scratch for supper. I was officially "un-irritated" with him! And let me say one more time YUMMM! Oh and one more time hubby is a good cook! :) It was delightful! :) While sauce was cooking we decided to sit down and watch a movie. Who can turn down a kettle corn opportunity? Hunter very surprisingly sat down and watched with daddy!
I told Josh at first it was just because he had popcorn. A few minutes later we figured out the real reason. He was just tired. LOL He'll be still like this on Dad, but not mom. For some reason he thinks if he's near me he needs to nurse. I don't think I'm ever gonna get this kid weaned.
I think this was before catfish lunch but this was a little sequence of pictures I took of the kids playing. They sure do love each other. I love watching them. It was just too cute (to me anyhow) to pass up posting! Sister was having lunch with the "babies". One baby decided he didn't need "friends"!

Yesterday was lots of fun. Sister had asked me to watch "the Zilla" while her and the boys went to the water park. If you've been around little miss you know why I call her the Zilla. Short for Godzilla. She can destroy a room in 2 seconds flat. Well she used to anyways, she's getting big and not as Zilla-ish. The girls love having Mikezilla over. You can usually count on some drama (3 little girls)! Of course we had to paint nails and the rest of the day was spent singing and playing! They have some favorite songs they learned in Kids Kingdom and I get them on youtube thru the Wii and they just think I'm the coolest smartest mom ever! :) Sorry sis for posting a video of your child on the internet but I couldn't pass it up. And also notice my little T-E-N month old WALKING around. Yep, he's getting around pretty good! *sigh* I know they grow up fast but he seems to be taking that to an extreme!!
Along with walking he is "talking" up a storm! I tried to get him to say "mom" in the first video and as soon as he saw my phone he knew what was going on! I finally got a little bit of it in the second one.
Oh and I can't forget what I found!
This little thing gave me so much grief! You can read that story
here. It was right where I had looked over and over. I just knew it was there. As I was cleaning the desk I thought "hmm, maybe it fell behind." It hadn't fallen it was just pushed all the way to the back so in my frantic looking I just hadn't looked hard enough, or far enough back!
Yep, I have to say the last few days have been pretty.....delightful. Especially since it's no longer 150 110 degrees out...it's a nice "cool" 95 degrees. LOVE!
ok, I should have taken your "warning" seriously. Here I am ... sitting at work at 5:30 and my stomach is growling and THEN I look at these pictures. grrrr.
L.O.V.E. the videos!
so i totally tried to leave a comment last night and it didnt work.. :(
So let me try again.
Love this long post! I love reading the long ones about people i know! Makes it much more enjoyable.
And i feel SUPER cool that i was linked in a "THIS" -- I mean how awesome is that!
Keep up the awesome job Lenise! I love reading your blog!
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