Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Don't worry you haven't lost me yet! I started blogging today about my weekend and then got interrupted. (dang job) But I wanted to write a little something so
A.) you'd know I wasn't gone yet  and
B.) just incase I don't make it tomorrow I had once last post.
My sister convinced me to run the sundown salute 5k tomorrow.  5 K!!!! Do you know how long that is?!? Like 3.1 miles!!! 3.1!!! What was she thinking?!? And how come she always suckers me in?!? AAANND the fact that it's 12:15am, I have to be up at 5:30am, and I'm blogging instead of sleeping is besides the point!! Ugh! Here's to hoping I'm not in the hospital for the 4th! Hope you all have a happy and safe one!
These are a couple photos from our little get together tonight! Good thing we are redneck (smart) and had 4-wheelers with sprayers on them. We had 3 pretty big fires that started to take off! It got a little scary there for a minute! 2 previous house fires...3rd time is NOT the charm! This wasn't even close to everyone but I only got these pics!

1 comment:

Mrs. E said...

Yeah, I'm pretty glad you are smart, too. Two fires is plenty! Way to go on your race! So proud of you!